2016 Iron Horse Bicycle Classic: The highlights

by DGO staff

With this year’s Iron Horse Bicycle Classic kicking off Friday, May 27, in Buckley Park, here are the events you don’t want to miss this Memorial Day Weekend.

FridayFace Plant Ale, which is a collaboration brew from Ska Brewing Co. and Steamworks Brewing Co. in recognition of the Iron Horse, will be tapped for the kick-off party from 3 to 7 p.m. in Buckley Park. This is also the location for riders to pick up packets. There will be bands and vendors.

SaturdayThe 50-mile ride from Durango to Silverton. Thousands of riders will gather for the Citizen’s Tour at College Drive and Camino del Rio and at the finish line in Silverton. Good spots to view the race include Shalona Hill and South of Needles Store (the last hill before Needles Country Store).

SundayStarting about 2 p.m., mountain bikers will navigate single-track trails, downtown roads and ride through Steamworks Brewery. And don’t forget about the cruiser crit at 4 p.m., where riders dress up in costume and pedal goofy bikes in a parade-style event near Ninth Street and Main Avenue.

MondaySee racers compete individually in a 13.7-mile time trial on East Animas Road (County Road 250), starting just north of Durango city limits and near the top of Shalona Hill.

Bathroom breaksFor Saturday’s race from Durango to Silverton, portable toilets will be distributed about every seven miles from the start to the finish. On Sunday, portable toilets will be spread throughout the downtown, including Ninth Street and Main Avenue, near Steamworks, near El Rancho, and near Bank of the San Juans.

DGO Staff


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