Drink some sparkly booze to forget 2018 for good

by DGO Web Administrator

2018 was the year of food recalls, a whole bunch of political shit I’d rather forget, and the box office disaster known as “Gotti.” Yes, the future will undoubtedly judge us for the decisions we made this year, but I say out with the dog and in with the pig. I can’t think of a better way to greet a shiny new year than with a cocktail that literally sparkles. Because, if we’re using simple logic, you probably didn’t have one in your hand as the ball dropped in 2017, and how well did that turn out for us all?

If you want to make this happen without any effort, go ahead and pick up a bottle of Viniq at the liquor store. Just be ready to feel the shame reach deep down, filling the outer reaches of your soul. Also, heads up: That stuff is impressively disgusting and tastes like a mixture between nail polish and cough syrup. Not that I regularly drink nail polish…or admit it if I did. Luckily, you don’t have to drink Viniq, cause it’s super easy to get crafty and make your own sparkling liqueur instead.

Here’s what to do. Pick up a bottle of edible glitter called Luster Dust. I think I spied a jar at Walmart in the baking aisle, or you can drive down to the Hobby Lobby in Farmington if online shopping isn’t your thing. They come in a few different colors; I’d choose gold or silver to keep things simple, but you can go ahead and live your truth if pink is your jam. Just make sure the jar says it’s a food-grade, edible glitter…you want to inspire wealth, but you don’t want anyone to actually shit gold after attending your party.

Then, choose your liquor. This stuff doesn’t shimmer as well in water, so kiss mocktails goodbye as you mix it up with something that has a decent alcohol content. You can get as fancy as you like here: infuse your own vodka with lemon peels, ginger, lavender, or rosemary, or keep things simple by mixing it with a flavored simple syrup. Personally, I like skipping the excess craftiness here and use St-Germain. It’s already sweet and floral, and it’s a classic mixer for champagne cocktails. Not only that, but it happens to be yellow, so mixing it with gold luster dust creates the perfect color without any effort at all. Not to mention that the actual Saint Germain was a master alchemist, so it all just makes sense.

When you’ve made all the tough decisions, it’s time to mix it up! Place 1 cup of St-Germain (or, 1 cup vodka + 1/4 to 1/2 cup flavored simple syrup) in a mason jar and add 1/4 teaspoon of edible luster dust. Shake vigorously. That’s it! If you’re making it in advance, be sure to give it a swirl before mixing up your cocktail because the sparkles tend to settle to the bottom. When you’re ready to serve up your glittery gold cocktail, measure a half jigger (3/4 ounce) into a champagne flute and top it off with champagne. Really, you could use any bubbly drink – Prosecco, Cava, white wine mixed with club soda, etc. – but I’d recommend something dry since St-Germain is already pretty sweet. It wouldn’t exactly be non-alcoholic, but you could also use sparkling grape juice or apple cider if you like.

Tell the gullible (see also, high) people at the party it’s a magical potion guaranteed to bless them with wealth and fortune in the new year. Tell everyone else that you’re trying to make it on BuzzFeed with Durango’s follow-up to glitter beers (wasn’t it funny when the Internet thought Ska was doing that?). And, if you have any leftover glittery St-Germain, make an Elderfashioned, St-Rita, or any other weird concoctions of your choosing. Their shimmery nature will make them oh-so-fancy.

Lindsay D. Mattison is a professional chef and food writer living in Durango. She enjoys long walks in the woods, the simplicity of New York-style cheese pizza, and she’s completely addicted to Chapstick. Contact her at [email protected].


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