Here’s to hoping Starlight’s CBD drinks start a Durango trend

by Amanda Push

We here at DGO Mag appreciate a good bottle of booze just as much as the next person (probably too much, which you’d know if you spotted us at Snowdown), but let’s face it: alcohol isn’t very good for you.

It dehydrates you, it’s chock-full of sugar and carbs, and we don’t think we need to remind anyone that hangovers also exist.

Well friends … Starlight Lounge is trying to help stave off some of those issues by offering CBD drinks.

Partnering with Durango cannabis company 43 CBD Solutions, Starlight bartenders will coat your alcoholic beverage with a spray of 10 mg of CBD oil for $3 extra. Customers can get anything from a beer to An Apple A Day martini with a side of CBD. Matt McDermott, bartender at Starlight, has even had a customer request a dose of CBD added to their spinach and artichoke dip.

CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, won’t make you high, but it is loaded with health benefits, from easing joint pain to alleviating anxiety.

“Alcohol is not that great for your body, but CBD really is. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and sleep issues,” McDermott said. “I started trying some out, personally, before we put the menu out. I noticed a big difference in my joints. … The positives of (CBD) help counteract some of the negatives of alcohol.”

While CBD does boast health benefits, it can be accompanied by a funky, weedy flavor. Starlight worked with 43 CBD to come up with a custom blend that will neutralize the taste.

“If you spray it directly on your tongue, it does have a little bit of a weed taste to it,” McDermott said. “As far as the flavor, it doesn’t really affect it too much. Alcohol is a very strong flavor in itself. With the blend that we have, we asked them to do what they could to make sure it wasn’t an overpowering taste.”

Amanda Push


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