No dispensary’s bear-proof dumpster is going to outsmart this night prowler

by Amanda Push

Humans aren’t the only ones that can’t resist the sweet, sweet odor of weed.

A bear that regularly prowls through Lyons, Colo. is a regular visitor of The Bud Depot, but not as a customer to the dispensary in northern Colorado. Cheeseburger, as the cannabis shop employees affectionately call him, is after the business’s dumpster. Recently, however, the hungry bear went a little further with his scavenging than usual, according to FOX Denver 31.

Dispensary cameras caught Cheeseburger break through a locked gate outside the back door and try to get into the dumpster. The dumpster, it turned out, didn’t have anything particularly exciting in them – just a bunch of boxes, Nikko Garza, the dispensary manager, told FOX Denver 31.

“He’s all into the Rocky Mountain high and I don’t blame him. He knows the good stuff when he sees it, or smells it,” Garza said.

When the bear-proof dumpster wouldn’t open, Cheeseburger took matters into his own hands, literally, and dragged the dumpster away with him in a feat that was so ridiculous, it was respectable.

“Everybody wants to work at a cannabis shop. He’s just showing initiative,” Garza said.

Cheeseburger dragged the dumpster down the street, determined that no dumpster was going to outsmart him. But, the good news? In the end, the bear-proof mechanisms worked and Cheeseburger failed to get into the trash.

Amanda Push


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