Sandwich wars: Cheba Hut founder calls Quiznos “bandwagon douchebags” for Magic Mushroom Melt

by Amanda Push

There’s some name-calling drama going on in the Colorado sandwich world.

For the second time in the last several months, Cheba Hut founder Scott Jennings had some choice words for other food companies.

Last month, he referred to Carl’s Jr. as “bandwagon douchebags” for their CBD burger. This month, he’s deemed Quiznos the same for their Magic Mushroom Melt made in honor of Denver’s decriminalization of psychedelic mushrooms. Cheba Hut is a Fort Collins-based sandwich shop which has kept its restaurant theme a salute to stoner culture since it opened. Many of their sandwiches make references to weed and ‘shrooms. (FYI: you can’t get high off of their sandwiches, unfortunately.)

This time, however, Jennings isn’t just throwing out the name “douchebags”, according to Westword. The Colorado business owner is sending a cease-and-desist letter to Quiznos because of the name of their new sandwich. Jennings argued that Cheba Hut has had their own Magic Mushroom sandwich for 15 years and it’s causing confusion amongst customers.

On June 22, Quiznos offered a Magic Mushroom Melt, a mixture of rainbow-colored Swiss cheese, purple and green ranch dressing, mushrooms, bacon and a bun that we’re frankly a little worried to eat, at its 1275 Grant Street Denver location (only a few blocks from the Cheba Hut shop on Colfax Avenue).

Not to be outdone, Jennings stands by his sandwich as the better of the two.

“It’s such a great sandwich,” he said. “I don’t want it overshadowed by something that’s bullshit.”

According to Westword, Quiznos sent this response to Cheba Hut:

Dear Cheba Hut,

Thank you for your letter. We would be remiss in not tipping our white button caps to you, the attention has indeed been quite a trip. In having a bit of lighthearted sandwich fun, we, of course, had no intention of being poor spores. Lest this mushroom into menu madness, our gooey and groovy melt will become merely a psychedelic dream after 9pm tomorrow, as planned.

Thank you also for your “gift” of the adult performer dressed as a police officer you generously sent our way. As it happens, today’s developments have put us in a giving mood as well. We will be donating all proceeds from tomorrow’s special event at our 1275 Grant Street location in Denver to the Food Bank of the Rockies. We hope you’ll do the same and invite you to join us for a mellowed-out bite.

Here’s to keeping it tasteful and fun, guy.

Sincerely, Quiznos

Keep it dapper, Quiznos.

Amanda Push


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