Edibles should be the official state food of Colorado

by Cory Garcia

The only thing that confuses me about state foods is why more states don’t have them. Food is an incredible gateway into culture, and bigger than just race and religion. The invisible lines that carve up the geography between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans may be arbitrary, but at the end of the day, the people living in them have made their own cultures with their own delicacies, and it seems weird to me that not everyone is eager to celebrate the food that makes them interesting.

Of course, not everyone sees it this way. I don’t mean the states that don’t have official state foods. I mean the states that having boring state foods. Did you know the state drink of Indiana is water? Multiple states go with milk, but at least that has some discernible flavor; why celebrate the one drink that everyone has in plenty for all their citizens – well, almost everyone, sorry Michigan – when something like root beer is right there? States pick rice as their state grain, multiple like apples, and Utah’s state dessert is Jell-O, which… you know, on second thought, you do you, Utah.

Far as I can tell, Colorado is pretty apathetic on the subject of state foods, which is better than having boring state foods, but still a missed opportunity, if you ask me. I hate fake food holidays more than most, but I acknowledge that having something that makes you feel good about where you come from is good for state morale. Besides, doesn’t State Rocky Mountain Oysters Day sound more interesting that most National [Food] Days?

But I’m not here to champion bull balls, tasty though they may be. No, I’m suggesting we go all in on the stereotypes everyone is familiar with. Yes, I am suggesting that we begin a campaign to make edibles the state food of Colorado.

State foods are about pride and what makes our little corner of the world special, and while legalization is slowly spreading, when people think marijuana in these United States, they’re thinking about Colorado. This isn’t adding a cannabis leaf to the state flag, this is just leaning into something that we’re already known for anyway. It’s about saying, “Yeah, you have plenty of options for your edible needs, but we were here long before all these other dorks showed up, and we’ve got the goods. We’ve the vanguard.”

Just imagine it: waving to your neighbors and giving them a hearty, “Happy Edible Day!” Edible Day specials and tasting menus. Edible showdowns. Make it a Friday and state holiday and enjoy a long weekend. Let the rest of the country wallow in its boring food mediocrity. Someone is going to go all in on edibles at some point. Let us be the ones.

Cory Garcia


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