Run for suds at the Ska Brewing 5K Beer Run

by Amanda Push

There are very few people around these here parts who wouldn’t take a brisk jog, or hell, even sprint, for beer.

As one of Durango’s sudsy staples, Ska Brewing knows that, and that’s why they’re participating in the Colorado Brewery Running Series, aka the Ska Brewing 5K Beer Run. On July 14, all you beer fanatics out there will get to prove your love of hops by running (or walking) your heart out. The carrot on the stick, so to speak, will be seasonal swag, a collector pint glass, and a bunch of craft beer waiting for you to drink it at the finish line. So, don’t leave those hops waiting. Think of yourself as a knight or knightess in shining armor racing to the finish line to free all the booze from their barreled cages.

If you’re not much of a runner, don’t worry. In fact, calling it a 5K race might be a bit of a stretch. The event isn’t timed and you’ll get your beer and merch whether it takes you an hour or eight. Still, maybe out of courtesy to those working the event, don’t take eight hours to complete this 5K. That’s just rude.

If you’re going to participate, you’ll need to keep in mind a few things to survive the day.

» Arrive 30 minutes before the event starts so you can be checked in.

» Bring an ID if you’re planning on drinking.

» Pay attention while you’re running and obey traffic laws, cause this will be an open course.

» Dress for the weather because rain or shine, the race must go on.

» Keep in mind there won’t be a bag check station so you’ll have to keep track of all your things.

» If you want any food, extra beer, or Colorado Brewery Running Series merch, bring some extra cash.

» Relax, have fun, and don’t sweat it. You’re gonna get some delicious beer soon.

Aside from the obvious (the beer, of course), the best thing about this run is that 10 percent of your registration will go toward nonprofits, including The House that Beer Built, Dumb Friends League, The National MS Society, The MSU Denver Beer Industry Program, and Range of Motion Project. You’ll get to feel like a good person for the day. Tickets to participate are $30-$45. You can purchase tickets at

In the words of the event organizers, “cheers to beer.”

Amanda Push


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